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If I can guide you to hold your creativity in your own crafting hands, that to me, is WILD.


As a trained dance movement therapist, I have been studying the healing aspects of art. Our unique expression of it often has suffered because of school, because of fear and because of the believe that art is supposed to be pretty. 

My personal experience as a dance movement therapist showed mind blowing positive effects on children, Alzheimer patients, people with special skills, youth and more.

Intrigued by the power of art and with a degree in my hand,  I wanted to dive into the field beyond logic and statistics. Art itself became a priority.

Jazz vocal studies, swing dancing, composing, writing poetry and short stories followed. Living in Berlin enabled me to perform my art, my music and my poetry on various stages. I feel honoured to be part of different groups, shows and Variétes who host spaces for raw art that do not smell judgemental.

I love to perform on stages where there is support for each other, where perfection is NOT in the line up, where artist cheer each other up. Where we show up
for the sake of ART, not judgement or success.

Intrigued by the immens effect that the use of art, can bring in ones life it has become my unshakable mission to empower people to encounter their own creativity (if they want!)

The principles of the book ‘The Artist Way’ by Julia Cameron
became a profound milestone in my teachings and coachings.




My methods and my mission have mingled with a beautiful woman, called Johanna Ernst.
We founded our company, called "Ab in die Transformation", where we spread
workshops, events and narratives about a future that we WANT to see.

Our mission is to nurrish and cultivate a feeling of self- efficacy among human beings.
We cheer people up to create their own vision of a future they want to see and create.
Johanna is a powerhouse of supreme modern sustainability. A woman who delovers her mission without shaming or correction. She manages with such ease to transform the old heavy idea of sustainability into a sense of responsability that is fullfilling and fun.




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